Thursday, January 29, 2009

BCT Picture of the Month

BCT 12, 2005 - Lake Webster, IN

"sunrise reflections..."
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Create a Caption - We can't remember what was going on here.

Come up with a quote for this picture from BCT 1.
(AJ, tree. Jon, pointing)

Just click on "comments" to add your quote...

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BCT 14 - Highlights

AJ - The Wreckin' Ball

1. The Wreckin ball can literally sleep anywhere, anytime. That's a "fitted sheet."

2. "Let go of my bait.....and quit eye-ballin' me boy. I'm going to let you go..."

3. "We ARE going to deeper water Kev, leave me ALONE!"

4. If AJ had longer arms, the little guy would be a 40 pounder.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

BCT 14 - Kevin

1. Umm?

2. "Give me a break, I'm having trouble with my Rod."

3. Nice Spotted bass....really.

4. AJ telling Kev..."I know its a nice fish, but yur in my "space".
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BCT 14 - Bry

1. Here, Bry is finishing his "Origami Swan to-go Doggie Bag" for our left over fish from dinner.

2. Preparing for the Olympic High-dive competition.

3. The guide trying to put us on the fish.

4. "There are no fish here, so GIT away from us."
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BCT 14 - Scott

1. I was trying to figure out how the record-size fish I had on literally break my lure in two. The only thing left attached to my line was the bill. The 4 inch crankbait and hooks swam away with that monster.

2. Kev kept catching fish while the rest of us didn't, so, I put a little hex on him.

3. AJ suggested I better get rid of the grey in my goatee. Here, I wait for the "Just for Men" to work its magic. Shaved heads and goatees were the theme that year.

4. Pleading for the fish below to get busy!
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Monday, January 26, 2009

BCT 14 - Jon

Jon doing some singin' and dancin' to Midnight Oil.

His now World Famous Hangover picture. Just trying to get some fresh, early morning air. It was the day after: singin' and dancin' to Midnight Oil, which we burned, get it?

Jon shown here w/ some nice stripers. Luckily for all of us, he figured them out. Whilst the rest of us were napping and wearing out the 2-story water slide on the house boat, he went fishing by himself in the heat of mid-day. Stripers don't like bright sunlight and only bite in the early morning or sundown, right? Wrong. Like my Father says, "Fish don't read the books."

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BCT 15th Anniversary

Totem Point Lodge on the French River, Ontario, Canada. 2008.
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BCT 15 - Bry and Jon on the French

Bry's boat at full throttle

Wildcat Strong

Nuff said.
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BCT - 15 Dry Bry

Bry - Lots of Bass, pike's, Nice Pierre!, sleeping in the old truck, buying a new truck enroute to BCT.
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

BCT 15 - The Wreckin' Ball

AJ needed 2 pictures, why is that I wonder...

Top: His first fish of the trip, some good fish, nice trucker hat Bob, the frog-leg eating muskie.

Bottom: Slippery cabin steps, his 3rd muskie of the trip, wind-blown hair, early get-up, and fighting for fishing space on back boat deck.

(Click on pictures to enlarge)
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BCT 15 - Scott

Scott - Muskie, Pike, Smallmouth, exhausted, "if yur not getting some weeds every once in awhile, ur not close enough"....and, Wildcat!
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BCT 15 - D

Jon - Guiness, Northern Pike, 2 Bad- A$& dudes, getting away from the beast that was stalking us and hanging on to Bry for dear life!
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BCT 15 - Kever

ALoon, some nice muskies, a mug shot, boating action, how NOT to treat a fish you are soon going to release, and ..... why is your wrist so sore????????

(click on picture to enlarge)
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BCT 15 - 2008 Totem Point Lodge, ON

What a milestone, 15 years in a row. It's hard to believe we were all about 23 years old when it all started.

We decided to go back to the French River in Ontario, Canada. We've been there before and have gotten to know some good fishing spots. Most of us were after muskies, but we caught many, many pike and smallies in the process.

The picture to the left are a few non-fishing highlights of the trip;

- Jon shaved a "T" in his back hair for "bcT". I think 2 other guys promised to do the "B" and "C" as well, but I don't recall that ever happening...oops.

- Bry is doing his "French Pierre" imiation
. Most years we try to have different facial hair (goatee, mustache, fu-man chu, etc) This year we did the "Pierre" - a thin mustache w/ a triangular patch of hair just below the bottom lip. Brian nailed it. The French, what can you say.

- Kevin, not to happy its so early in the morning and cold.

- Scott w/ the dangerous wild animal that scared the bee-jezus out of all of us at the campfire. Still don't know what kind of beast that was.

- The Wreckin' Ball - w/ a ball of muskie lures that somehow got tangled up on the boat bottom....hmmmmmmmm.

- The annual group picture w/ our "Trucker" BCT hats.

- And, an early morning sunrise. Kinda makes me want to go fishing right now, bye!
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The First Ever BCT

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The BCT background

It all started in 1994. Some guys got together and went on a camping trip and 15 years later we are still at it.

BCT = Boys Camping Trip

Boys, because no women are allowed

Camping, well, thats self explanatory. However, we really don't "camp" anymore, we've graduated to cabins or house boats. And now we concentrate on fishing more than just hanging out in a camp ground.

Trip, its an annual thing. The five of us have made it every year for 15 years, which in itself is truly amazing.

We just started this, the best stories are to follow SOON!

Why we fish...

The end (or the beginning) of the fishing day.

Bry in action on the French River. Does it get any better?
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Muskellunge, freshwater fish native to North America

A muskellunge (Esox masquinongy), also known as a muskelunge, muscallonge, or maskinonge (and often abbreviated "muskie" or "musky"), is a large, relatively uncommon freshwater fish of North America.

Muskellunge are the largest member of the pike family, Esocidae. The name comes from the Ojibwe word maashkinoozhe, meaning "ugly pike", by way of French masque allongé (modified from the Ojibwe word by folk etymology), "elongated mask.

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